



Past Program

Oct 13 - Oct 16, 2013 Session 503

Promoting the Next Generation of Cultural Entrepreneurs: Planning for Success



From October 13 - 16, 2013 Salzburg Global Seminar convened thirty leading “creative economy” thinkers and practitioners for a three-day planning meeting entitled Promoting the Next Generation of Cultural Entrepreneurship: Planning for Success. Building on the previous year's Young Cultural Leaders Forum, which brought together forty-seven young cultural leaders from thirty-seven countries around the globe for an intensive leadership development program, the October planning meeting was convened to help Salzburg Global map out a master plan for an ambitious 10-year initiative dedicated to support an ongoing, vibrant focal point for international exchange and innovation around creative, cultural entrepreneurship. Dedicated to imagination, sustainability, and emerging leadership, Salzburg Global is preparing to launch a 10-year initiative which will support and promote the dynamism of emerging cultural entrepreneurship around the world.   
The planning session engaged participants, including several returning Fellows from the 2012 Young Cultural Leaders Forum, in discussions centered on strengths and weaknesses of the initial YCL Forum, as well as brainstorming sessions focusing on needs assessment, tuning components, establishing effective networks, and measuring success of the future program.  The outcomes of these discussions are summarized in the session report, which can be downloaded below.


"Of all my various experiences, I have yet to remember a gathering as inspiring, thought provoking , intellectually challenging as the cultural entrepreneurs meeting where creative minds gathered through a delicately curated program provided a safe and conducive environment where minds where pushed to their limits to dare to think outside the box without intimidation or hesitations."
Ayeh Naraghi, Cultural Consultant, Doha, Qatar

"Being able to be part of the long-term planning for this global initiative enabled me to see where the potential synergies and future collaborations lie in my own context and work."
Belisa Rodrigues, Arterial Network, Cape Town, South Africa

"My experience at the SGS not only allowed me to learn and share experiences with some of the most interesting people I've ever met -some of them are now good friends and excellent connections for my network-, it also reminded me why I believe in the power of arts and culture for the development of society and economy and why I want to make our world a more creative one."
Felipe Buitrago, Inter American Development Bank, Washington, D.C., United States

"I think that the possibilities of creating multiple hubs, located in cities and in the virtual space, are immense. The growing and helpful experience of each one of the fellows that will continue increasing the critic mass of cultural young workers will reinforce our beliefs in the cultural and creative sector. The networking is already functioning, and the results are going to be exponentials."
Leandro Olocco, Complejo Teatral De Buenos Aires, Argentina

"The richness of the conversation have opened my eyes on other aspects of cultural entrepreneurship and how it could operate and have greater impact, on cross sectoral fertilization, the impact of technology in this area and how we can help entrepreneurs and cultural leaders play a more impactful role in the world."
Lyne Sneige, Arts Consultant, New York, United States and Lebanon

"Having completed several organizational strategic planning processes, this Seminar proved to be in my wheelhouse. Helping shape the program that could impact not just individual’s careers and lives but potentially the entire cultural sector will be forever humbling and meaningful."
Patrizia Garza, Center Theater Group, Los Angeles, United States

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