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In Memoriam
2015 Profiles
2016 Profiles

The challenge of scaling the best practice model

Sciana Fellow Marc Augustin investigates the difficulties behind scaling projects and the skills required by leaders when seeking innovation

Sustaining the Unsustainable? Social Emotional Learning in Displacement and Crisis Contexts

Salzburg Global Fellow Kelsey Dalrymple offers a critique of current practices around social emotional learning in education in emergency settings

Shifting Dynamics of Business in China

A conversation with Jens Eskelund on the challenges, misperceptions, and changing conditions for foreign companies in China 

Promoting Peace Through Access to Justice in Nepal

How Salzburg Global Fellow Nirmal Kumar Upreti is expanding access to justice, improving governance, and working towards peacebuilding in Nepal

Leveraging Technology To Connect Communities and Combat Mental Health Challenges

Salzburg Global Fellow Yumiko Mori shares how technological collaboration is enriching her work to address issues of social isolation in Japan

Technological Intervention for the Inclusion of People With Autism

Salzburg Global Fellow Remo Sugimoto on her ambitions for autism inclusion in Japan and experience in the JITTN program 

Navigating AI’s Moral Compass: Upholding Human Rights and Gender Equity

Salzburg Global Fellow Michelle Odayan’s perspectives on inclusive AI, bias mitigation, and corporate board responsibilities

Amplifying Marginalized Voices in Legal Systems

Salzburg Global Fellow Yoonjin Kim uses the law to help disenfranchised communities in South Korea and beyond

Knowledge Is Power: The Intersection of Education and the Future of Russia

Dr. Igor Gretskiy highlights the transformative role of education amid rising geopolitical tensions in Russia

Shaping a Peaceful Future in Nepal Through Conflict Mitigation

Salzburg Global Fellow Anju Jha on peacebuilding, equity, and her experience in the Asia Peace Innovators Forum
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