


Louisa Whettam

Cultural Practice Advisor, Opportunity Child, Australia

Louisa Whettam is a cultural practice advisor for Opportunity Child. She is a descendant from the Wiradjuri tribe in New South Wales Australia. She brings rich cultural understanding and life experience to Opportunity Child and is responsible for embedding the Uluru statement into the organization's DNA. She guides the Opportunity Child team to apply a cultural lens throughout its work and supporting cultural practice within Opportunity Child's partner communities. As a respected representative of the Warril Yari-Go Committee which is the arm of the Collective Impact Initiative, she is passionate about systemic change and how it impacts First Nations people. Louise has worked with NGOs under the reforms of the QLD Department of Communities. She has facilitated a number of Local Level Alliance roles in communities, bringing together government and non-government organizations in around the referral pathway for vulnerable families. The alliance's shared focus was removing barriers to cooperation and accessing support services for families in a timely matter. Shared successes have included establishing an alternative school in less than six months and the creation of domestic violence kits for police to distribute to victims.

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