


Clive Parkinson

Director - Arts for Health and the Manchester Institute for Arts, Health & Social Change, Manchester Metropolitan University, Lancaster, United Kingdom

Clive Parkinson is the convenor of the Manchester Institute for Arts, Health & Social Change and author of A Social Glue (2021). He has been the Director of Arts for Health for 17 years and is a Reader in Arts, Health & Social Justice at Manchester Metropolitan University. He has been closely involved with arts and health developments in the UK, Europe and Australia and has been central to strategic development and practical activity in this field. Working collectively with people affected by substance misuse across Europe, he published the Recoverist Manifesto (2014) reframing thinking around addiction and recovery. He is an independent artist/researcher who combines spoken word, sound and film. His book Critical Care (2017) scrutinised the social arts practice of Australian artist Vic McEwan and the award winning The Harmonic Oscillator. A commissioned artist for The Big Anxiety Festival, his performative work dis/ordered (2017) performed at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney, explored mental difference. A Gentle Haunting (2020) utilises mobile phone footage made while walking out as an 'extremely clinically vulnerable' person in a time of Covid and is a contemplation on living in the present tense. Clive is driven by a conviction that the arts - in all their forms - might be central to social change.

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