


Emily Lerman

Co-Founder/Worker-Owner, Mera Kitchen Collective, USA

Emily is a co-founder and worker-owner at Mera Kitchen Collective in Baltimore, Maryland. Established in 2018 as a way for new friends and neighbors to come together to share story-worthy food from around the world, Mera Kitchen has grown from small pop-ups and farmers market stalls to their first brick-and-mortar restaurant. With her fellow co-founders and workers, Emily is developing the worker-cooperative business model that is the core of Mera Kitchen's operations. Emily is passionate about business models that promote sustainable workplace democracy, and serves as a project officer at the Baltimore Roundtable for Economic Democracy, where she helps to support new and existing worker-cooperatives with financial and technical assistance. Emily received her masters in accounting from the University of Colorado Leeds School of Business and her masters of public health from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

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