


Past Program

Jul 04 - Jul 08, 2004 LAWSS 05

LAWSS-Legal Alumni Web of the Salzburg Seminar: European Law and Legal Institutions


The 2004 LAWSS symposium will focus on the practical implications of the European Union's new Constitution and the expansion of the legal and financial sectors. A number of prominent speakers will review the impact of the Constitution and the expansion of the EU on current and future member countries, the role of the European Central Bank, and jurisdictional issues regarding EU legislation procedures and legal frameworks.


The Symposium is open to all the Salzburg Seminar alumni and young professionals of exceptional promise interested in law on a space available basis. Alumni are welcome to bring guests. The program will include plenary presentations, discussion and working groups. In addition, events include a concert, barbeque, receptions, a gala dinner and a lake-tour.


NOTE: This session may be taken for continuing legal education (CLE) credit. Offered in association with the Center for International Legal Studies (CILS), professional development credit may be earned for the Law Society of England and Wales and the General Bar Council of the United Kingdom, for the Netherlands Bar, and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Bar.


Under reciprocity arrangements with California and New York, lawyers from the following jurisdictions may qualify for CLE credits: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington State, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.


There is an additional fee of EUR170 to register for CLE credit. Payment Information The fee for this symposium is EUR 1000 for a single and EUR1500 for a couple. If you and two colleagues register, the fee will be discounted to EUR 900 for a single and EUR1350 for a double; same for paying fee till 31. January 2004. The fee includes room and board for four nights, tuition, lake-tour, fees and social events. Bank Transfer: (Bankhaus Carl Spängler & Co., Salzburg, Account No.:AT 401953000100180942 BIC SPAET2S UID-No.: ATU33978602 Credit cards are also accepted. Children under 12 are free.


Spaces are limited and reservations will be confirmed in the order in which they are received. For further information, contact the alumni office (