


Past Program

Oct 26 - Oct 30, 2007 SSASAA 04

SSASAA - American Approaches to Europe and Beyond: Policies and Patterns


The war in Iraq has sparked major interest in the past as well as the present global role of the United States. People around the world debating the origins and consequences of the American military presence in the Middle East have focused on locating the present crisis within a larger narrative of American history as world history. Current patterns of engagement cannot be viewed in isolation, for they are related to the patterns of the past. How much of this current behavior is genuinely new, and how much is the natural product of long-standing features of American foreign policy? This symposium is devoted to answering that question by examining America's engagement with the rest of the world, especially in relation to Europe. Discussions will take place on the foreign policy challenges faced by the administrations of Thomas Jefferson, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. A significant component of the program will focus on examining events of the last two decades as well as the current foreign policy of the Bush administration, and the extent to which recent developments have been influenced by historical patterns and policies.


The 2007 SSASAA symposium is open to all Salzburg Seminar alumni interested in the field of American Studies, as well as non-alumni working in the field of American history and/or international relations. The symposium will consist of presentations, panels and theme-based discussion groups, led by distinguished scholars and practitioners. Additional events include a barbeque, receptions, a concert in Schloss Leopoldskron, and a gala dinner on the final evening.


Payment information: The fee for the symposium is € 665 for a single and € 1,065 for a double room. If the total payment is made by April 15, 2007, the fee is € 635 for a single and € 1,015 for a double. The fee includes accommodation and meals for four nights, tuition and fees and social events, but does not include travel expenses.


Limited financial aid is available for partial scholarships to help cover the symposium fee. The reasons for this need should be stated at the time of registration.


Bank Transfer: IBAN: AT 401953000100180942; Bankhaus Carl Spängler & Co., Salzburg, BIC (Bank Code) SPAEAT2S, Austria


Credit cards are accepted (payment in Euro only)


In order to reserve a space, a completed registration form and a 100 Euro deposit (refundable until September 1, 2007) is required.


Space is limited and reservations will be confirmed in the order in which they are received. For further information about the SSASAA symposium, contact SSASAA leader Marty Gecek,

To download a registration form, please click below.