



Past Program

Oct 09 - Oct 13, 2023 S810-01

Uncertain Futures and Connections Reimagined: Connecting Generations


In-person session in Salzburg, Austria from Oct 9 to Oct 13, 2023.
Online workshops prior and after the in-person meeting.


The KFAS-Salzburg Global Leadership Initiative aims to equip Korean and global leaders with the necessary skills to address the challenges posed by our rapidly changing world. Through a year-round series of virtual sessions and an annual gathering in Salzburg, the Forum is a global knowledge platform for mutual learning and exchange, where leaders at junior and senior levels, can share the current global and local issues they are facing, and develop and disseminate innovative action plans.

For the first year of the Initiative, the theme was "Uncertain Futures and Connections Reimagined: Connecting Generations".

There is a pressing global need for better connecting generations as we navigate the complex challenges of the modern world. The failure to better connect generations now and in the future poses significant risks and challenges for individuals, communities, and societies at large. 

By not prioritizing intergenerational connections, there is a risk of deepening generational divides and conflicts, hindering social cohesion and collective progress. The lack of understanding and communication between generations can lead to missed opportunities for learning, mentorship, and the transfer of valuable knowledge and experiences. Moreover, failing to bridge the gap in diverging values may result in increased polarization, intolerance, and social fragmentation. 

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Program Goals

This program aims to equip leaders with the necessary skills to address the rapidly changing world and the major global challenges we face today, including geopolitical tensions, climate change, demographic changes, and technological advancements. 

Skills required for leaders to navigate these challenges include visionary thinking, cross-cultural communication, interdisciplinary awareness, digital literacy, collaborative leadership, and global citizenship.

Leaders with these skills can bring together diverse groups of people, bridge gaps between different disciplines, cultures, and ways of thinking, anticipate future challenges, and develop robust strategies to address them. They can also promote mutual respect, harness the power of technology, foster partnerships and alliances, navigate uncertainty, embrace change, and work towards the common good. By developing these skills and working together, we can build a better future for ourselves and future generations.

The goal of this Forum was to convene a network of Korean and global thought leaders to: 

•    Facilitate thought-provoking and inclusive discussion and foster exchange (on the themes identified) amongst a diverse group of inter-generational, interdisciplinary, intersectoral leaders to envision a better future. 

•    Encourage learning between network members and to transfer knowledge and experiences to societies of the future.

•    Generate action-oriented suggestions and recommendations that drive innovations and inspire global action to forge a better world.   

Program Theme

There is a pressing global need for better connecting generations as we navigate the complex challenges of the modern world. The failure to better connect generations now and in the future poses significant risks and challenges for individuals, communities, and societies at large.

By not prioritizing intergenerational connections, there is a risk of deepening generational divides and conflicts, hindering social cohesion and collective progress. The lack of understanding and communication between generations can lead to missed opportunities for learning, mentorship, and the transfer of valuable knowledge and experiences. Moreover, failing to bridge the gap in diverging values may result in increased polarization, intolerance, and social fragmentation.

The following sub-themes were identified and discussed during the program:

Demographic Transition: This subtheme focuses on understanding and navigating the demographic changes associated with aging populations and declining fertility rates. It explores strategies to address the challenges and opportunities arising from these shifts in population structure.

Financial Sustainability: This subtheme delves into the global financial landscape, examining the implications of economic systems and policies on long-term sustainability. It explores innovative approaches to ensure economic stability, resilience, and equitable distribution of resources across generations.

Diverging Values: This subtheme explores the dynamics of generational conflicts arising from evolving societal values, beliefs, and cultural norms. It aims to foster dialogue and understanding between generations, seeking common ground while respecting diversity.

Immigration: This subtheme examines the impact of migration on societies, economies, and intergenerational relationships. It explores strategies to facilitate integration, foster social cohesion, and harness the benefits of cultural diversity.

Intergenerational Mobility: This subtheme explores the opportunities and barriers for social and economic mobility between generations. It analyzes factors that contribute to inequality and investigates policies and initiatives aimed at promoting upward mobility for all individuals, regardless of their background.

By better connecting generations, we can ensure a transference of diverse perspectives and ideas to foster innovation, and the development of sustainable solutions to global challenges. We can harness the wisdom and experience of older generations while empowering younger generations with the tools and knowledge to shape the future. Ultimately, by better connecting generations globally, we can work towards a more harmonious and sustainable future that leverages the strengths and perspectives of all age groups.

Program Structure

September 2023: On-Boarding Workshop (2 sessions, Online)
In two online sessions, Fellows focused on learning more about Salzburg Global Seminar and the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies as well as co-designing the goals of the program and building connections.

October 2023: First annual Forum
An in-person meeting in Salzburg allowed Fellows to undertake several activities intended to share their ideas and experiences, identify common areas of interest for collaborative action, and set both the on-going agenda and expectations for that action. The in-person meeting also provided an opportunity to react to the needs expressed by Fellows during the online onboarding sessionsfor additional input on skills, deep sectoral or contextual knowledge, or motivation. 

On-going: Continued collaboration via Salzburg Global’s online platform, Mobilize
Fellows have joined Salzburg Global’s online network platform, Mobilize, as a means to begin virtual networking. The platform will also form the base for organizing and coordinating the collaborative initiatives of the teams and provide a space for on-going asynchronous debate in between other program activities.

Quarterly: Virtual Network Meetings
Quarterly online meetings of the core group will provide a space for Fellows to provide updates on the progress of their initiatives and request the input and support of the network as a whole.


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