



Past Program

Mar 15 - Mar 15, 2022 S776-01

Sustainable Investing: From Viral Words to Real Choices

The Conduit, London

18:30 - 20:30 GMT

The Salzburg Global Finance Forum annually convenes a distinguished international group of regulators, industry leaders and thought leaders to tackle issues critical to the future of financial markets and global economic growth and stability. As we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Salzburg Global Seminar, we conduct a special alumni event at The Conduit  in London which would include a conversation on the topic “Sustainable Investing: From Viral Words to Real Choices” followed by reception.

In order to reach the goal of net zero by 2050, estimates of investment needs range from $3-9 trillion per year. Is this possible to achieve?  What is needed to help scale up the sustainable investment industry so that it can truly drive the global transition to a low-carbon economy? What are the key obstacles to transformation at that scale?  Are there issues with the demand side or the supply side of the investment equation?  Are traditional investment methods and structures sufficient to invest at the speed and scale that is required?  What is the role of regulation and public policy – are they helping or hindering the nascent market for climate transition investments?

The event will be open to Finance Forum Fellows and potential partners on an invitation basis.

This program was organized under the auspices of Salzburg Global Seminar - Austria.


40 participants including Salzburg Global Finance Forum Fellows and invited guests, representing financial services, policymaking and regulators, consultancies, law firms and other professional service providers.