



Past Program

Feb 24 - Mar 12, 2022 Cutler Fel 10

The Future of Public and Private International Law



In our fast-moving, interconnected world, the rules-based international order and accountable judicial systems are critical to peace and progress. Between emerging debates over human rights, climate change and global economic challenges, questions of international law are central to upholding prosperity and stability in the 21st century.

The Salzburg Cutler Fellows Program helps outstanding law students from the top US law schools explore timely legal issues and develop leadership skills and connections needed to forge careers in international law to shape a better world.

The Salzburg Cutler Fellows Program is a one-of-a-kind program for students from the top 14 US law schools who intend to pursue careers in international law, legal practice, and public service. The Program identifies and empowers outstanding talents, fosters leadership skills, and builds lasting collaborative networks within the legal and public service sectors.

The Salzburg Cutler Fellows Program was launched in 2012 in memory of Lloyd N. Cutler, a Washington “super-lawyer” and counselor to two US Presidents. During his service on the board of Salzburg Global Seminar, Cutler regularly mentored young lawyers and brought them together with international jurists to discuss the rule of law, including principles of judicial independence, human rights, and democratic governance. Successful lawyers across the world cite their Salzburg experience as highly influential in developing their legal philosophy, global networks, and career paths.

Salzburg Cutler Fellows follow in these footsteps as lawyers pursuing careers in international practice with an abiding interest in public service. Each Fellow prepares and presents a research paper on a topic of private or public international law. Some of the top law faculty in the US offer advice on how to make their argument more effective and how to succeed in getting papers accepted by journals in across the world. In parallel, lawyers and other mentors in public service help Fellows explore traditional and non-traditional pathways to careers in international law and public service that can align passion and personal impact.

Salzburg Global Seminar works to foster lasting networks and partnerships for creative, just and sustainable change. The Salzburg Cutler Fellows Program helps participants develop the skills and contacts needed for effective engagement and communication across the public sector, business, and civil society. These strengths can help Fellows play a leading role in emerging opportunities and challenges, including achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, in their home countries around the world.

Partner Schools
Program Info
Related News
  • How can international law and legal systems shape a more just society across borders?
  • Where are the biggest opportunities for growth within the international law and public service sectors?
  • What are the key challenges present in the international law field, and how can law students prepare to tackle these questions in their future careers?
  • How can young lawyers interested in international law and public service navigate their early career to reach their professional and personal goals?

Salzburg Cutler Fellows derive four main benefits from participating in the Program:

  • A stronger research paper that integrates expert input from renowned law faculty and peers;
  • Advice on how to successfully publish this and other research in international journals;
  • Career-shaping insights in both traditional and non-traditional pathways to international law and public service; and
  • Membership in an expanding network of Salzburg Cutler Fellows that is connected to the 36,000-strong network of Salzburg Global Fellows around the world.

Over the course of several short meetings held throughout February and March, Fellows and faculty examine cutting-edge issues in international law through small group workshops, keynote lectures, and mentoring panels. Students and experts explored different pathways to align passions and maximize effectiveness in public service and international law.

  • Build a network of young, elite lawyers to connect rising figures in the fields of humanitarian law, international economic and trade law and international institutions.
  • Convene top voices to mentor the next generation of lawyers in public and private international law.
  • Discuss emerging challenges facing international law and institutions in the 21st century.
  • Refine and prepare papers on contemporary issues in international law for publication.
Session 1: Program Kickoff + Keynote Panel

Thursday, February 24, 2022
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm EST


Description: Opening ceremony and Keynote Panel on the Russia-Ukraine Conflict.

Session 2: Paper Workshop A

Saturday, February 26, 2022
1:00 - 4:00 pm EST

Description: Students present their research paper to a small group and receive advice from a faculty representative on how to make their argument more effective. 

Session 3: Keynote Address

Thursday, March 3, 2022
12:30-1:30 pm EST

Speaker: Ambassador Bathsheba Nell Crocker (U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva)

Session 4: Paper Workshop B

Saturday, March 5, 2022
1:00 - 4:00 pm EST

Description: Students present their research paper to a small group and receive advice from a faculty representative on how to make their argument more effective. 

Session 5: Knowledge Cafe and Closing Ceremony

Saturday, March 12, 2022

1:00 - 4:00 pm EST

Mentors: Gomiluk Otokwala, Amanda Tuninetti, Katrin Kuhlmann, and Thomas Weatherall