



Past Program

Jun 13 - Jun 15, 2022 S755-01

Shaping the Future of Finance: Carbon Markets and Pricing, Digital Money and Financial Regulation

The Salzburg Global Finance Forum tackles issues critical to the future of financial markets and global economic growth and stability. The Forum offers senior and rising leaders from the financial industry and public sector an opportunity for in-depth, off-the-record conversations on how to build inclusive, open and resilient financial systems and set an agenda for the future.

Founded in 2011 in the wake of the global financial crisis, the overarching goal of the Salzburg Global Finance Forum is to facilitate critical analysis of the changing financial landscape and regulatory environment, comparison of practical experience around the world, understanding of technology-driven transformations, and open dialogue on issues of trust and ethics. Each summer, it convenes an internationally representative group of leaders from financial services firms, supervisory and regulatory authorities, consultancies, auditors, law firms and other professional service providers who share a belief that inclusive, efficient and stable financial systems are essential for sustainable growth, shared economic opportunities and prosperity.

The 2022 program tackled two critical challenges which have important consequences for the financial system of tomorrow:

In order to achieve net-zero emissions, system-wide recalibration of future economic development is required. Development of international carbon markets is fundamental to this goal. Several stock exchanges, including NASDAQ and LSE launched their carbon initiatives while the development of common standards is underway. The EU’s carbon border adjustment mechanism would effectively impose a “carbon tax” on imports from countries that are not pricing carbon at a comparable level to that of the Union. Yet, many issues are holding back their development, ranging from the fragmentation of markets to lack of credibility and transparency. How can regulators improve supervision and enforcement in carbon markets, achieve recognition and adoption of common standards for trading, and accelerate policy collaboration on recognition of carbon credits?

As our economies go digital, money and payments are also evolving prompting the emergence of private (cryptocurrencies) and public digital money (CBDCs). CBDCs are intended to provide an alternative to cash, expand financial inclusion and improve the efficiency of payment. However, both crypto and CBDCs raise important challenges and with far-reaching implications for the global financial system. What is the case for CBDCs? Can they achieve the declared goals without endangering domestic and international financial stability as well as data privacy and security? Do private alternatives such as stablecoins offer a viable alternative if properly regulated?
The 2022 program envisioned what is required to create sustainable, lasting changes in financial services, both from a smart policy angle and by bringing all parties that need to collaborate on the design of the optimal frameworks.



Participant Profile
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Our programs bring together senior and rising leaders as a community of peers to shape the future of finance.

Participants will include industry players (legacy financial institutions and disrupters), public sector authorities and regulators, academics and thought leaders.


The program fee is 3990 USD*

Includes program participation as well as all meals and accommodation at Hotel Schloss Leopoldskron.

* 2000 USD for academics and public sectors employees. Scholarships are available for exemplary applicants.


Cancellation Fees:

In case of cancellation, a participant may transfer registration to another member of the participant's organization (city, department, firm, etc.) upon mutual agreement. Alternatively:

  • Cancellation more than 60 days before the program: 100% refund
  • Cancellation less than 60 days and more than 30 days before the event: 50% refund
  • Cancellation less than 30 days, but more than 14 days: 25% refund
  • Cancellation less than 14 days: no refund