



Past Program

Jan 13, 2021 Session 714

Protecting Public Safety While Respecting Civil Liberties



From global pandemics to terrorism to cyber attacks, countries and corporations face increasingly complex security threats. Lawyers in public and private service are on the front line of tough judgment calls. How can democratic governments balance actions to protect public health and safety from threats such as pandemics and terrorism, while also respecting individual rights and liberties?

The Salzburg Cutler Fellows Program will convene an exceptional debate to ask how rising lawyers and democratic governments can step up to these challenges. Held under Chatham House rules, it will bring together Theresa May, former UK Prime Minister (2016-2019) and Home Secretary (2010-2016), and Jeh Johnson, former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security (2013-2017). The debate will be open to Salzburg Cutler Fellows and invited European lawyers seeking careers that embrace public service.

The Salzburg Cutler Fellow Program was launched by Salzburg Global Seminar in 2012 under the auspices of the Lloyd N. Cutler Center for the Rule of Law. The Program brings together 50-60 young lawyers from top American law schools for an intensive weekend program, usually held in Washington DC. In 2021, the usual weekend program will be held online over the month of March, with additional alumni events, such as this one, held throughout the year.

This new online series of alumni events will feature top-level speakers and expand the Cutler Fellows network outwards to include young European lawyers and aspiring leaders in the field of international law and public practice. To find out more contact: Alexis Stangarone