


Past Program

Jun 04 - Jun 07, 2010 Fellow 14

The Do's and Don'ts of Intervention


The last two decades have seen the rise and fall of doctrines around liberal intervention, including suppositions about consequences for security, managing economic recovery and the building up of political institutions, and exit. Whatever the rights and wrongs of an initial intervention, once undertaken, what actions and approaches may leave behind the best chances of peace and prosperity? What lessons can be learned in this regard from interventions in the post Cold War world? How might those lessons be applied in one urgent present case, Afghanistan, and to the strategy recently undertaken there?

This Fellowship seminar is intended to sketch out the issues for one or more Salzburg sessions on the do's and don'ts of intervention, with a view to establishing a set of principles as tests for action. In addition, our discussions will contribute to the development of policy options for Afghanistan, in the context of the upcoming review of the current strategy, by bringing together a diverse group of political actors and Afghanistan analysts.

* the combined alumni of Salzburg Global Seminar and Fellows of the 21st Century Trust


Fee & Logistical Information:

Thanks to a generous donation by the Goethe Foundation, and to encourage participation from a wide range of our Fellows, we are able to be flexible in the cost of participation. While we recommend a rate of 150 Euros (50 per night), donations of any size (lower or higher) to help us meet our various costs will be greatly appreciated. Though program activities, accommodations, and meals for participants will all be covered, please note that travel is at your expense.

As space is limited to the first 25 registered participants, please register soon. Confirmed participants will then be notified as to how donations may be made.

The program will begin in the evening of the 4th at approximately 19:00 and conclude on the 7th after breakfast. This event will be held in Chateau Klingenthal (click for approximate location), near Strasbourg, France.

Conducted under the auspicies of Salzburg Global Seminar, Austria