


Green Revolution for Africa

Past Program

Nov 13 - Nov 17, 2011 Session 484

Transforming Agricultural Development and Production in Africa: Closing Gender Gaps and Empowering Rural Women in Policy and Practice


As private investors and the world's major donors, from multilateral institutions, national governments, and foundations, focus anew on the role of agricultural development in creating stable and sustainable food supplies and improving national economies, it is critical that the full range of human capital and resources are included in the development process - from the initial planning stage, to establishing policy frameworks, to research, field-level practice and innovation, value chains and decision-making at all levels. Barriers that disadvantage women need to be addressed if agriculture is to become a more efficient driver of growth and lead to greater food security. There are new opportunities at this juncture, given attention from donors and, equally important, the private sector in stimulating agricultural production that is sustainable and responsive to the conditions and needs of vulnerable economies and communities, to modernize systems and processes to ensure women can optimize their contributions as vital economic actors and leaders. To reach the intertwined goals of increased and more stable agricultural yields, address hunger and food insecurity, and spur economic growth and stability, women necessarily have to be part of the equation.

The UN International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Salzburg Global Seminar (SGS) are jointly convening high-level stakeholders to examine persistent gaps in policy and practice, identify and share creative practice and successful innovations, and develop implementation strategies to fully integrate women into agricultural development processes. Primary emphasis will be given to strategies to support rural women and agricultural development in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).

Additional support is also being provided by The Belgian Fund for Food Security Joint Programme .