


Past Program

Apr 09, 2011 Fellow 21

Global Citizenship and the International Rule of Law


In an age of new international tensions and shifting global alliances, the need for citizens of every nation to understand international affairs, to recognize cultural values other than their own, and to view world events from a variety of perspectives, has become increasingly critical. Climate change, migration, social and economic inequity, trade protectionism, human rights violations, and wars of aggression are just a few examples of problems that local and national policies alone cannot fully address. Instead these challenges require multinational and multicultural responses from an interconnected global community.

But these "global citizens" will also expect to fit into an international system based on the rule of law. At present, the organizations set up to uphold this concept are, to say it mildly, imperfect, and the processes of honing them are highly complex. In what circumstances and to what degree can or should nation states be expected to surrender a portion of their sovereignty to an international body of rules? Do existing organizations such as the UN, ICC, WTO, and others have sufficient means to enforce those laws, particularly when it is powerful individual states that are found to be in breech? And to whom are those international bodies ultimately accountable? These and a series of other issues will be addressed in the course of this day-long seminar, culminating with the keynote lecture by Justice Richard Goldstone, The Role of the United States in International Justice: South Africa, Yugoslavia, Rwanda.


Fee & Program Information:
This program will be hosted by and take place on the campus of San José State University from 9:00am until 7:00pm. A final program will be distributed to confirmed participants in the week before the event's start. We welcome all Salzburg Global Fellows to attend and encourage you to bring a guest who might be interested in our work.

As the Salzburg Global Seminar is a nonprofit 501c3 institution, we are only able to conduct our programs because of generous donations we receive from our participants and other sources. Note that there is no fee for participation. We do, though, kindly request that you make a contribution to help cover the costs associated with this event in the following ways: $40 for Fellows, $30 for guests and $15 for students. All gifts are tax deductible.

You may either register by making a donation to the right, or by contacting Please note that due to limited space, registrations should be received by March 21, 2011 at the latest.  



Recommended Donations:

Fellows: $40
Guests: $30
Students: $15

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About San José State University:

As a prime partner institution of our International Study Program on Global Citizenship more than 150 students, faculty, administrators and staff of San Jos& State University attended sessions of this Program in the course of the past five years which makes SJSU one of our largest and most dynamic partners throughout the U.S.